Return To Question Consciousness Of Cleanliness

Leading up to 13.00, Monday (14/12), on the back of the cafeteria on campus Dramaga Agrimart Bogor agricultural University. A wide range 

Resep Ikan Asam Manis Enak Banget of cuisine is served at the buffet table so tempting and makes the stomach hungry churned.

The students look heartily eat lunch before following the next courses. There is a pleasant with rice, fried chicken, and sweet iced tea. Some are devouring gado-gado, karedok,

Resep Lontong Sayur Enak Banget sayur, satay, and MI. There is also who brought their own rice so only buy kangkung and fried tofu and tempe bacem.

Invisible impression of anxiety on their faces. They eat voraciously interspersed the jokes and chatter. The rise of the hepatitis A virus news infecting more than 30 student IPB like not disturbing them.

"Because it doesn't Cook your own, Yes, the run. Affordable, Yes, in the cafeteria of the campus or at stalls outside (the campus), "said Prosper, a student of Faculty of SCIENCES.

What about hygiene and food safety in those places? Prosperous and a number of his friend no one dared to be sure. Their answer is almost the same, the new food hygiene is assured if it is self made.

Akbar Tanjung, other students of the Faculty of SCIENCES was hospitalized the works Bhakti Pratiwi, Bogor, as contracted hepatitis A, stating, it's difficult to get food that is clean, safe, secure and healthy snack.


Based on the IPB logging until Monday, 33 students were exposed to hepatitis a. On mass health screening, Friday last week, of the 162 students are examined, 11 people requested check blood and result in positive student 5 exposed to hepatitis A so need to be hospitalized.

The next day, a mass examination was held again and followed 405 students. According to the Director of Student Affairs IPB Decman Santoso, last Monday, 34 students requested check the blood, but it is not yet known how much of a positive hepatitis A.

From logging it, the majority of which were exposed to hepatitis A is students who live off-campus, such as salaries, rented, or boarding houses.

Of concern

Campus Dramaga in Bogor regency, West Java, is one of two areas of campus-owned IPB. Another one is located in the city of Bogor. According to Decman, out of a total of around 26000 IPB students, about 20000 students are enrolled at Dramaga.

One of the villages closest to the campus Dramaga is the village of Babakan, Bogor regency Dramaga Subdistrict. The head of the village of Babakan Syaehu Sham mentions, in his village there were 500 boarding houses mostly inhabited the student IPB. In Babakan there are at least 150 places of business meals with 75 places built by IPB.

Most student boarding houses in Babakan in conditions of concern. Narrow rooms. One of the buildings and other buildings only narrow aisles separated by wide approximately 1 meter.

Many homes that the distance between the septic tank and well just about 5 meters, less than the requisite distance of at least 10 metres. Camat Dramaga Baihaki said, most lodging in Babakan does have a septic tank near the well. Supposedly, Baihaki said, the owners of housing services make communal septic tank and wear network service TAPS.

Around the salaries there are many food stalls, photocopying, and internet outlets that looks less clean and orderly.

UPT head of Bogor regency Health Office Dramaga Fitriani Tjiptoputranti said, such conditions can trigger the emergence of a variety of ailments, including hepatitis a.

According to gastroenterologist Faculty of medicine University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital/Jakarta, Ari Fahrial sham, based on this experience, cases of hepatitis A occur at the end of the drought is entering the rainy season. That is especially the case if the food hygiene and environmental health is bad.

In addition, the likelihood of occurrence in populations living in the same place, such as dormitories, bigger than on the job.

ARI added, hepatitis A is an infection with a virus-caused liver organs hepatitis a. hepatitis A Virus is found in the stool of infected patients. Food and drink into the mainstream media the cause of transmission of this virus, in addition to direct contact.

Director General of disease control and environmental health Health Ministry M dawn, Sunday, conveying, that needs to be done after the extraordinary events of hepatitis A in IPB is fixing the food and environmental hygiene.

"The most important Thing now, improving food and environmental hygiene, such as access to clean water in a dormitory and place food processor. In addition, the behavior of living clean and healthy with handwashing always wears the SOAP on water flows also needs to be done, "he said.

Vice Rector for academic and Student Affairs Field IPB Yonni Kusmaryono says, all the cafeteria has been asked to increase the cleanliness of the environment, especially ensuring that food sold secure clean, safe, and healthy.

Among the cafeteria manager also justified, since the spread of hepatitis A affected student preaching, they requested more memperhati